News - Google traveling into the Koshi province in Eastern Nepal

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Google Street View Cars in Koshi Province, Eastern Nepal (August-September 204)
Urlabari (Upper), Dharan (Bottom Left) & Birtamode (Bottom Right)

After some inconveniences, Google's vehicles are starting to record the streets of cities in Eastern Nepal. One of the first sightings happened at the end of August, specifically in Birtamode (Nepali: बिर्तामोड), one of the most important urban centers for the Jharpa district. (Source: BTM local News via Facebook)

Later in early September, an orange vehicle was spotted taking pictures in Urlabari (Nepali: उर्लाबारी), the second largest city in Morang District. (Source: Hamro Urlabari via Facebook)

In mid-September, these vehicles were sighted again but in Dharan (Nepali: धरान), the third most populated city in the country, although the equipment was protected with a bag, following the rainy weather that affected the area during that week. (Source: Marino Marino via YouTube)

Even if the imagery is of dubious quality, it's good that Google has been rebounding its operations in South Asia.


  • Written by Seb on September 22, 2024
  • Thank to anghelsal and rob for finding the spottings in Dharan and Urlabari respectively.
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