News - Google is photographing several European airports

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Gen 4 Google Trekker in Lineta Airport, Italy
Gen 4 Trekker in Lineta Airport, Italy (Date: March 2024) (Source: SEA Milan Airports via LinkedIN)

In early March 2024, the Italian company SEA Milan Airpots announced that it would provide upgrades to the imagery of the facilities at Linate Airport located in Milan and Malpensa Airport located in Ferno, the last time Google photographed these airports in May and June 2014 respectively with Gen 3 cameras. This time the upgrades will be carried out with Gen 4 cameras that have a better resolution.

Special guests these days at #Linate and #Malpensa airports! Thanks to young explorers equipped with the #Trekker, a hand-held camera system ready to capture every nook and cranny of our airports and thus contribute to the #GoogleMaps and Google Live View project within our airports.
- Translation of SEA Milan Airports Press Release on LinkedIn

Another important addition is the Václav Havel Airport in the city of Prague, one of the first airports in the country to receive new images for the Czech Republic, which confirmed that for this year they were going to launch images of the interior of the airport to improve navigation. Unlike the Italian airports, this Czech airport has not yet been photographed by Google. (Source: Prague Airport Projects)

Gen 4 Google Trekker in Lineta Airport, Italy
Gen 4 Trekker in Václav Havel Airport, Czechia (Date: August 3, 2023) (Source: Prague Airport Official Website)

The airport website lists that one of the projects for this year is to add Google Street View to the airport in addition to incorporating Live View for Prague, Google released a video on Facebook during August 2023, explaining more in depth how the airport recording will be done.


  • Written by Seb on April 20, 2024
  • Changelog (April 21, 2024): Changing the description of the Gen 4 Trekker spotting in Czechia, specifying that Prague Airport plans to release images this year, in addition to Google CZ had previously announced a year ago the collaboration with the airport.
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