History of Google Street View / Guatemala

Google Street View Coverage Map of Guatemala (2023)
Map of GSV extent in the country as of November 8, 2023 (Source: SV-Map)

In June 2016, Google began touring Guatemala City with 3 trekkers mounted on pickup trucks, the first time Google has used these vehicles in Central America.[1] In an interview with the Google Street View team for the processing of the country coverage led by Rodrigo Moreno, it is estimated that they had to process more than 40 thousand images within 6 months, in addition to including photographs of several reserves in the country such as Semuc Champey in the Department of Alta Verapaz.[2]

Google collaborated with the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism (INGUAT) to provide about 60 historical and cultural sites in the country, including the Casa Santo Domingo and the San José Cathedral in Antigua.[3]

Additionally, Google covered archaeological sites around the country for digitization on the Arts and Culture platform such as Tikal National Park and Yaxhá located in the Department of Petén, as well as the archaeological sites of Uaxactún and Aguateca.[4]

Google Trekker en Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala (Junio 2016)
Google Trekker in Guatemala City (Date: June 2016) (Image Source)

In 2017, Google announced at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in Guatemala City about the digitization of parts of the museum's exhibits with the use of tripod views and help from the British Museum.[5]> Additionally that same year, Google collaborated with the Cultural Center of the Francisco Marroquin University to provide street view to the Ixchel Museum as part of the "We wear culture" exhibition for the Arts and Culture platform.[6]

In addition, Giovanni Stella, regional manager for Colombia, Central America and the Caribbean, visited the country for the street view introduction ceremony with members of the Guatemalan Tourism Institute in 2017.[7]


Note: We take into account the date when the coverage was taken, not the date when it was published.

Source: Guatemala's Coverage Dates - Emily Geo Website

Year Additions
  • June: Guatemala City
  • July: Antigua, Escuintla and Amatitlán
  • August: Quezaltenango, Coatepeque, Huehuetenango, Cobán and Puerto Barrios
  • September: Flores, Ciudad Vieja, Puerto San José and San Lucas Sacatepéquez
  • October: Mazatenango and Retalhuleu
  • November: Santa Cruz del Quiché
2017 Tripod views of various museums in Guatemala City and religious buildings in Antigua


Antigua Trekker
2016 - Antigua

Gen 3 Cameras

2016 - Antigua
Vehículo de Google Street View en Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (2016)
2016 - Cobán
2016 - Quetzaltenango
2016 Vehículo de Google Street View por Ciudad de Guatemala
2016 - Guatemala City
2016 - Guatemala City
Vehículo de Google Street View en Avenida 24, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala (2016)
2016 - Quetzaltenango
Vehículo de Google Street View en Antigua, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala (2016)
2016 - Antigua



  1. "Los vehículos de Google Street View recorren las calles de Guatemala" (2016) Soy507 (in Spanish)

  2. "Vea Guatemala en un tour virtual de 360 grados" (2016) Estrategia y Negocios. (in Spanish)

  3. "Guatemala llega a Google Street View, como el primer país en Centroamérica" (2017) Mundo Chapín. (in Spanish)

  4. Samayoa, C. "Google Arts & Culture digitalizó los sitios arqueológicos de la Civilización Maya en Guatemala" Guatemala.com (in Spanish)

  5. "El Museo Británico y el Instituto Cultural de Google traen la ancestral cultura Maya a la vida" (2017) Embajada Británica en la Ciudad de Guatemala. (in Spanish)

  6. López, Amparo (2017-06-21) "Museo Ixchel – Google Arts and Culture" Universidad Francisco Marroquín. (in Spanish)

  7. Martínez, A. "Guatemala en Google Street View con imágenes de 360 grados" (2017) República.gt (in Spanish)

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